Ferry Connections

The port is located in Diakofti !

The island of Kythira is located at the crossroads of the sea routes to and from the eastern Mediterranean, near the southeastern finger of the Peloponnese. Ferries connect the island of Kythira with the Peloponnese (Neapoli and Gythio), Piraeus, Antikythira and Crete (Kissamos – Kastelli).

F/B Porfyrousa

Triton Ferries

Triton Ferries

From Neapolis (Peloponnese), six times a week. In the summer once or twice a day.

Timetable 2024

F/B Porfyrousa

F/B Porfyrousa

F/B Aqua Jewel



From Gythio (Peloponnese)  twice a week. From Piraeus twice a week. From Crete (Kissamos – Kastelli) three times a week.

Timetable 2024

The Best Ferry Guide for Greece

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